S T U D E N T P R O G R A M M I N GDr. Mark Roberts' IPA Student Research Presentation Program IPA offers two competitive programs for graduate or undergraduate psychology students to have an opportunity to present their work at our Annual Convention: 1) An Oral Presentation Opportunity for Graduate Students and 2) A Poster Presentation Competition for both graduate and undergraduate students. DEADLINES EXTENDED! lmportant Deadlines & Dates for 2025
IPA has two openings at its Annual Convention for graduate students to make oral research presentations. This opportunity is reserved for Idaho psychology graduate students exclusively. Acceptable Topics: Experimental Research, Clinical Research, and Applied Projects To Apply: Please submit an abstract (see Deadlines above) with the following information: Awards: $100 will be awarded to each of the two selected presenters.
Please review Additional Details For All Student Program Participants below.
Acceptable Topics: Experimental Research, Clinical Research, and Applied Projects To Apply: Please submit an abstract (see Deadlines above) with the following information:
Awards: $100 will be awarded to the winner of each competition category: undergraduate and graduate. Posters will be evaluated on professionalism (visual presentation & audience interaction), conceptualization (theoretical foundation & clear hypotheses), methodology, conclusions, and overall value to the field. Details: Poster size TBD (this will be added soon). If you do not plan to list references on your poster, please have available in a printed handout or via a QR code for distribution to judges and attendees. Please review Additional Details For All Student Program Participants below. Additional Information For All Student Program Participants All Student Program participants, including poster co-presenters, are required to register for the Annual Convention on the day they are presenting. All are encouraged to register and attend the entire Convention, as the topics are ones that most will come across in their professional work. In addition, the Convention is a great place to network with potential graduate school professors or practicum/internship supervisors. IPA reserves the right to adjust the number of oral and poster presentations, depending upon the quality of abstracts received and/or time/space available. It is our goal that you find your experience with IPA supportive and welcoming, as you are the future of the psychology profession. If you have any questions about the above, about student membership or the Convention, please contact us here. Thank you for your interest in IPA Student Programming! |